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[Go] Linked List - Add Two Numbers

Go/Leet Code

by Gopythor 2022. 5. 14. 23:42



You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order, and each of their nodes contains a single digit. Add the two numbers and return the sum as a linked list.

You may assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zero, except the number 0 itself.


Example 1:

Input: l1 = [2,4,3], l2 = [5,6,4]
Output: [7,0,8]
Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807.

Example 2:

Input: l1 = [0], l2 = [0]
Output: [0]

Example 3:

Input: l1 = [9,9,9,9,9,9,9], l2 = [9,9,9,9]
Output: [8,9,9,9,0,0,0,1]



  • The number of nodes in each linked list is in the range [1, 100].
  • 0 <= Node.val <= 9
  • It is guaranteed that the list represents a number that does not have leading zeros.

My code

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
	result := &ListNode{}
	head := result
	round := 0

	for l1 != nil && l2 != nil {
		if l1.Val+l2.Val+round >= 10 {
			sum := l1.Val + l2.Val - 10 + round
			round = 1
			result.Next = &ListNode{Val: sum}
		} else {
			sum := l1.Val + l2.Val + round
			round = 0
			result.Next = &ListNode{Val: sum}
		result = result.Next
		l1 = l1.Next
		l2 = l2.Next

	for l1 != nil {
		sum := l1.Val + round
		round = 0
		if sum >= 10 {
			sum = sum - 10
			round = 1

		result.Next = &ListNode{Val: sum}
		result = result.Next
		l1 = l1.Next


	for l2 != nil {
		sum := l2.Val + round
		round = 0
		if sum >= 10 {
			sum = sum - 10
			round = 1
		result.Next = &ListNode{Val: sum}
		result = result.Next
		l2 = l2.Next

	if result.Val >= 10 {
		result.Val -= 10
		round = 1
	if round == 1 {
		result.Next = &ListNode{Val: 1}

	return head.Next


  • for loop will add until l1 or l2 has nil.
  • when l1+l2+round is same or more than 10, it will has round.
  • After for loop, first for loop will check l1 is nil or not.
  • second for loop also will check l2 is nil or not.
  • based on round, it will be added.
  • after these for loop, when remained result.Val is same or more than 10, val will have Val - 10 and round will be 1.
  • last if condition will check round is 1 or not.
  • if so, 1 will be added.


sample 0 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {

	var rHead, r *ListNode // result list, its iteration pointer
	var overflow int       // addition overflow

	for l1 != nil || l2 != nil || overflow != 0 {
		// extract values from the lists and move their pointers forward
		v1, v2 := 0, 0
		if l1 != nil {
			v1 = l1.Val
			l1 = l1.Next
		if l2 != nil {
			v2 = l2.Val
			l2 = l2.Next
		value := v1 + v2 + overflow
		if value > 9 {
			overflow = 1
			value = value % 10
		} else {
			overflow = 0

		// append the value to the end of the result list
		if rHead == nil {
			rHead = &ListNode{value, nil}
			r = rHead
		} else {
			r.Next = &ListNode{value, nil}
			r = r.Next

	return rHead


sample 2 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
  head := &ListNode{Val: 0}
  first, second, carry, current := 0, 0, 0, head
  for l1 != nil || l2 != nil || carry != 0 {
    first = 0
    if l1 != nil {
      first = l1.Val
      l1 = l1.Next
    second = 0
    if l2 != nil {
      second = l2.Val
      l2 = l2.Next
    current.Next = &ListNode{Val: (first + second + carry) % 10}
    current = current.Next
    carry = (first + second + carry) / 10
  return head.Next
  • head will have empty List Node

sample 3 ms submission & sample 4700 KB submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {    

    fHead := &ListNode{}

    for tail, carry, open := fHead, 0, 2; open + carry > 0; l1, l2 = l1.Next, l2.Next {

        tail.Next = &ListNode{}
        tail = tail.Next

        tail.Val = l1.Val + l2.Val + carry
        carry = tail.Val / 10
        tail.Val = tail.Val % 10

        if l1.Next == nil {
            *l1 = ListNode{0, l1}
        if l2.Next == nil {
            *l2 = ListNode{0, l2}


    return fHead.Next


sample 4 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    head := new(ListNode)
    cur := head
    carry := 0
    for l1 != nil || l2 != nil || carry != 0 {
        v1, v2 := 0, 0
        if l1 != nil {
            v1, l1 = l1.Val, l1.Next
        if l2 != nil {
            v2, l2 = l2.Val, l2.Next
        num := v1 + v2 + carry
        carry = num / 10
        cur.Next = &ListNode{Val: num%10, Next: nil}
        cur = cur.Next
    return head.Next

sample 5 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {  
    start := &ListNode {
        Val: 0,

    current := start
    previous := start

    for true {
        if(l1 != nil){
            if(l2 != nil){
                current.Val = l1.Val + l2.Val + current.Val
                l1 = l1.Next
                l2 = l2.Next
                current.Val = l1.Val + current.Val
                l1 = l1.Next                
        } else if(l2 != nil){
            current.Val = l2.Val + current.Val                        
            l1 = l2.Next
            l2 = nil
        } else{

        if current.Val >= 10 {
            current.Next = &ListNode {
                Val: 1,        
            current.Val = current.Val % 10
        } else {
            current.Next = &ListNode {
                Val: 0,
        previous = current
        current = current.Next
    if current.Val == 0 {
        previous.Next = nil
//     for l1.Next != nil && l2.Next != nil {

//         current.Val = l1.Val + l2.Val + current.Val
//         if current.Val >= 10 {
//             current.Next = &ListNode {
//                 Val: 1,        
//             }
//             current.Val = current.Val % 10
//         } else {
//             current.Next = &ListNode {
//                 Val: 0,
//             }
//         }
//         current = current.Next
//         l1 = l1.Next
//         l2 = l2.Next
//     }
//     current.Val = l1.Val + l2.Val + current.Val

//     if current.Val >= 10 {
//         current.Next = &ListNode {
//             Val: 1,        
//         }
//         current.Val = current.Val % 10
//     }

//     if l1.Next == nil && l2.Next == nil {
//         return start;    
//     }
//     if current.Next == nil {
//         current.Next = &ListNode {
//             Val: 0,
//         }
//     }

//     current = current.Next
//     var n *ListNode
//     if l1.Next != nil {
//         n = l1.Next
//     } else if l2.Next != nil {
//         n = l2.Next
//     }
//     for n.Next != nil {

//         current.Val = n.Val + current.Val
//         if current.Val >= 10 {
//             current.Next = &ListNode {
//                 Val: 1,        
//             }
//             current.Val = current.Val % 10
//         } else {
//             current.Next = &ListNode {
//                 Val: 0,
//             }
//         }
//         current = current.Next
//         n = n.Next
//     }
//     current.Val = n.Val + current.Val

//     if current.Val >= 10 {
//         current.Next = &ListNode {
//             Val: 1,        
//         }
//         current.Val = current.Val % 10
//     }
    return start;

sample 6 ms submission & sample 4500 KB submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    pres := new(ListNode)
    pstart := pres
    carry := false
    for {
        if l1 != nil {
            pres.Val += l1.Val
            l1 = l1.Next
        if l2 != nil {
            pres.Val += l2.Val
            l2 = l2.Next
        if carry {
        carry = false
        if pres.Val > 9 {
            carry = true
        pres.Val %= 10
        if l1 != nil || l2 != nil || carry == true {
            pres.Next = new(ListNode)
            pres = pres.Next
        } else {
            return pstart

sample 7 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    sum := &ListNode{}
    currentNode := sum
    carryOver := 0
    l1Node := l1
    l2Node := l2
    for {
        sumVal := l1Node.Val + l2Node.Val + carryOver
        carryOver = 0
        if sumVal >= 10 {
            carryOver = 1
            sumVal -= 10
        currentNode.Val = sumVal
        if l1Node.Next == nil && l2Node.Next == nil {
            if carryOver > 0 {
                currentNode.Next = &ListNode{Val: carryOver}
        if l1Node.Next != nil {
            l1Node = l1Node.Next
        } else {
            l1Node = &ListNode{}
        if l2Node.Next != nil {
            l2Node = l2Node.Next
        } else {
            l2Node = &ListNode{}
        currentNode.Next = &ListNode{}
        currentNode = currentNode.Next 
    return sum
//     var (
//         total float64 = 0
//         i float64 = 0
//     )
//     total = sumNode(total, l1)
//     total = sumNode(total, l2)
//     output := &ListNode{}
//     current := output
//     i = 1
//     for {
//         fmt.Printf("%d\n", total)
//         currentPower := math.Pow(10, i)
//         v := math.Mod(total, currentPower)
//         fmt.Println(v)
//         total -= v
//         divisor := (math.Pow(10, i)/10)
//         current.Val = int(v/divisor)
//         if total == 0 {
//             break
//         }
//         current.Next = &ListNode{}
//         current = current.Next
//         i++
//     }
//     return output
// }

// func sumNode(total float64, node *ListNode) float64 {
//     var i float64 = 1
//     for {
//         val := node.Val
//         if val == 0 {
//             val = 1
//         }
//         total += float64(val) * math.Pow(10, i)
//         if node.Next == nil {
//             break
//         }
//         node = node.Next
//         i++
//     }
//     return total
// }

sample 8 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    var head, tail *ListNode
    carry := 0
    for l1 != nil || l2 != nil {
        n1, n2 := 0, 0
        if l1 != nil {
            n1 = l1.Val
            l1 = l1.Next
        if l2 != nil {
            n2 = l2.Val
            l2 = l2.Next
        sum := n1 + n2 + carry
        sum, carry = sum % 10, sum / 10
        if head == nil {
            head = &ListNode{Val: sum}
            tail = head
        } else {
            tail.Next = &ListNode{Val: sum}
            tail = tail.Next
    if carry > 0 {
        tail.Next = &ListNode{Val: carry}
    return head

sample 9 ms submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    head := &ListNode{}
    ln := head
    carry := 0     
    for l1 != nil || l2 != nil || carry > 0  {
        v1 , v2 := 0 ,0 
        if l1 != nil {
            v1 = l1.Val
            l1 = l1.Next
        if l2 != nil {
            v2 = l2.Val
            l2 = l2.Next  
        sum := v1 + v2 + carry
        carry = sum / 10
        ln.Next = &ListNode{Val : sum  % 10 , Next : nil}
        ln = ln.Next
    return head.Next

sample 4300 KB submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    for {
        l1.Val,flag = (l1.Val+l2.Val+flag)%10,(l1.Val+l2.Val+flag)/10
        if l1.Next==nil && l2.Next==nil && flag==0{
        if l1.Next==nil {
            l1.Next = &ListNode{0,nil}
        if l2.Next==nil {
            l2.Next = &ListNode{0,nil}
    return head

sample 4600 KB submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    dummy := ListNode{}
    carry, sum := 0, 0
    p, p1, p2 := &dummy, l1, l2
    for p1 != nil || p2 != nil || carry != 0 {
        sum = carry
        if p1 != nil {
            sum = sum + p1.Val
            p1 = p1.Next
        if p2 != nil {
            sum = sum + p2.Val
            p2 = p2.Next
        carry = sum / 10
        p.Next = &ListNode{Val: sum % 10, Next: nil}
        p = p.Next            
    return dummy.Next

sample 4800 KB submission

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
    var currentResponse *ListNode
    var currentL1 *ListNode
    var currentL2 *ListNode
    var firstResponse = &ListNode{Val: 0, Next: nil}
    currentResponse = firstResponse
    currentL1 = l1
    currentL2 = l2
    var hasRemainder bool
    for ok := true; ok; ok = (currentL1 != nil && currentL1.Next != nil) || (currentL2 != nil && currentL2.Next != nil)|| hasRemainder {
        if currentResponse.Next != nil {
            currentResponse = currentResponse.Next
            if currentL1 != nil {
                currentL1 = currentL1.Next
            if currentL2 != nil {
                currentL2 = currentL2.Next
        var currentL1Val int
        var currentL2Val int
        if currentL1 != nil {
            currentL1Val = currentL1.Val
        if currentL2 != nil {
            currentL2Val = currentL2.Val
        newValue := currentL1Val + currentL2Val
        if hasRemainder {
            newValue += 1
        hasRemainder = false
        if newValue >= 10 {
            hasRemainder = true

        currentResponse.Val = newValue % 10
        if (currentL1 != nil && currentL1.Next != nil) || (currentL2 != nil && currentL2.Next != nil) || hasRemainder {
            currentResponse.Next = &ListNode{Val: 0, Next: nil}
    return firstResponse

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