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Quick Sort in Go

Go/Study record

by Gopythor 2022. 3. 17. 18:44




  • Divide and conquer algorithm
  • After determining the pivot, the position of the pivot is confirmed and aligned
  • Quicksort has many variations based on pivot.
  • When comparing numbers, the pivot is the standard.
  • The speed varies depending on the position of the pivot.
  • There are left pivot, right pivot, middle pivot, and random pivot.
  • O(n²) in the worst case
  • Range, Criteria, Compare, Swap



void quickSort(int arr[], intl, int r){
    if (l < r) {
        int p = partition(arr, l, r);

        quickSort(arr, l, p -1);
        quickSort(arr, p+1, r);


func quickSort(arr []int, l, r int){
    if l < r {
        p := partition(arr, l, r)

        quickSort(arr, l, p-1)
        quickSort(arr, p+1, r)
  • It takes 3 parameters. Array, left, right.
  • Since it is a recursive function, there is a termination condition.
  • Left must be less than right.
  • Array will be seperated until l and r are same.
  • It means element will be only one in array.



int partition (int arr[], int l, int r){  
    int pivot = arr[r];      // pivot
    int i = (l - 1);

    for(int j = l; j <= r-1; j++){

        if(arr[j] <= pivot){
            swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
    swap(&arr[i + 1], &arr[r]);
    return (i + 1);


func partition (arr []int, l, r int) {
    pivot := arr[r]        // pivot
    i := (l - 1)

    for  j := l; j <= r-1; j++ {

        if arr[j] <= pivot {
            arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
    arr[i + 1], arr[r] = arr[r], arr[i + 1]
    return i + 1
  • This function is responsible for conquering.
  • It also takes 3 parameters. Array, left, right.
  • This code will select right as pivot.
  • i is l minus 1.
  • In for loop, j will have l value.
  • Because pivot is r, so for loop condition is until r - 1.
  • While looping, if condition checks j is same or less than pivot.
  • So j is same or less than pivot, i will increase and swap i and j.
  • It looks like small number is moving to left.
  • also i looks like saying how many small or same numbers this array has.
  • When for loop ends, last swap will happen(i +1 and r).
  • i shows here is the less numbers than pivot.
  • End return i + 1. pivot will be return.
  • We don't know based on i+1 it was arranged or not. but we know left arrays is less or same and right arrays is bigger.

After partition

  • code ran one time, pivot location will be saved to p.
  • Arriving at the recursive function call
  • First recursive function takes array, left and before pivot array.
  • And starts arranging numbers until the element will be one.
  • After arranging left of pivot code, right of pivot code works.



  1. divided into division and conquest
  2. After setting the pivot, quicksort left, quicksort right
  3. Various pivot selection methods -> Various quick sort
  4. Time Complexity
    • worst O(n²)
    • Average O(n log n)
    • Best O(n log n)

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