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Arrays101 Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side in GO

Go/Leet Code

by Gopythor 2022. 3. 5. 20:43



Accepted Solutions Runtime Distribution
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Given an array arr, replace every element in that array with the greatest element among the elements to its right, and replace the last element with -1.

After doing so, return the array.

Example 1:

Input: arr = [17,18,5,4,6,1]
Output: [18,6,6,6,1,-1]
- index 0 --> the greatest element to the right of index 0 is index 1 (18).
- index 1 --> the greatest element to the right of index 1 is index 4 (6).
- index 2 --> the greatest element to the right of index 2 is index 4 (6).
- index 3 --> the greatest element to the right of index 3 is index 4 (6).
- index 4 --> the greatest element to the right of index 4 is index 5 (1).
- index 5 --> there are no elements to the right of index 5, so we put -1.

Example 2:

Input: arr = [400]
Output: [-1]
Explanation: There are no elements to the right of index 0.


  • 1 <= arr.length <= 104
  • 1 <= arr[i] <= 105

MY code

Without Go routine

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    le := len(arr)
    if le < 2 {
        arr[0] = -1
        return arr

    for i := 0; i < le; i++ {
        big := -1
        for y := i + 1; y < le; y++ {
            if big < arr[y] {
                big = arr[y]
        arr[i] = big
    return arr


With Go routine

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    le := len(arr)
    if le < 2 {
        arr[0] = -1
        return arr
    lch := make(chan []int)
    go standardValue(arr, lch, le)
    return <-lch

func standardValue(arr []int, lch chan []int, le int) {
    rch := make(chan int)
    for i := 0; i < le; i++ {
        go bigValue(arr, rch, i, le)
        arr[i] = <-rch
    lch <- arr

func bigValue(arr []int, rch chan int, i, le int) {
    big := -1
    for y := i + 1; y < le; y++ {
        if big < arr[y] {
            big = arr[y]
    rch <- big


Sample 4ms submission

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    greatest := -1

    for i := len(arr) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        arr[i], greatest = greatest, max(greatest, arr[i]) // has to be the same line b4 arr[i] get updated

    return arr

func max(i,j int)int{
    if i > j {
        return i
    return j
  • This code starts from right to left.
  • greatest default is -1.
  • So arr[end] will take -1 and arr[end] value will be the next greatest value.
  • Next step is like same.
  • arr[end-1] will have greatest value and max will check which number is bigger between end-1 to end.
  • This max scope will be increased from end to arr[1]

sample 8 ms submission

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    max, current := arr[len(arr)-1], 0
    arr[len(arr)-1] = -1
    for i := len(arr) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
        current, arr[i] = arr[i], max
        if current > max {
            max = current

    return arr
  • I changed like below becuase one line code can be reduced.


func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    max, current := -1, -1
    for i := len(arr) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        current, arr[i] = arr[i], max
        if current > max {
            max = current

    return arr
  • max(-1) will be allocated to arr[end] and arr[end] will be allocated to current.
  • later if condition checks which will be bigger.
  • It will starts from end of array to first array.

sample 10 ms submission

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    max := -1
    if len(arr) == 1 {
        return []int{-1}
    for i := len(arr) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        temp := arr[i]
        arr[i] = max
        if temp > max {
            max = temp
    return arr
  • I think max will be better to be after if condition.
  • first arr[end] will give value to temp.
  • -1 will be allocated to arr[end]
  • later max and temp will be checked which on is bigger.

sample 5800 KB submission

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    for i := 0; i < len(arr)-1; i++ {
        index := i+1
        for j := i+1; j < len(arr); j++ {
            if arr[j] > arr[index] {
                index = j
    if len(arr) > 0 {
        arr[len(arr)-1]= -1
    return arr
  • I don't have idea why this code is less size than mine.
  • This code allocate -1 forcely to end of array
  • this code looping until end-1 array.

sample 6100 KB submission

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    l := len(arr)
    for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
        if i == l - 1 {
            arr[i] = -1

        h := arr[i+1]
        for j := i + 2; j < l; j++ {
            if arr[j] > h {
                h = arr[j]

        arr[i] = h
    return arr
  • This code also end of array will have -1
  • h will be like index upper code.

sample 6200 KB submission

func Max (x, y int) int {
    if x > y {
        return x
    return y
func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {

    maxRight := arr[len(arr)-1]
    arr[len(arr)-1] = -1

    for i := len(arr) -2 ; i >= 0; i-- {
        temp := arr[i]
        arr[i] = maxRight
        maxRight = Max(maxRight, temp)
    return arr
  • This code has first end of array to maxRight and end of array will be -1.
  • from this i will loop from end-1 array to 0.

sample 6300 KB submission

func replaceElements(arr []int) []int {
    m, t := -1, 0
    for i := len(arr) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        t, arr[i] = arr[i], m
        if m < t {
            m = t
    return arr
  • This code looks like modification from first sample of fastest one.

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